Being A Mom Is Hard! Encouragement for Stressed-Out Moms

Being A Mom Is Hard! Encouragement for Stressed-Out Moms

I’ve been a working mom and a stay-at-home mom and I can honestly say, BOTH are equally hard. It really bothers me when I see these conversations in mom’s groups on Facebook debating which is harder or who is the most stressed out. The thing is, being a mom is hard, period. Full stop. And the other hard truth is that it literally does not matter. There is no trophy for being a stay-at-home mom or a working mom. There is no award ceremony for being the best mom. Honestly, the best mom is a loving mom who takes care of her family, whatever that looks like. Being a Working Mom vs a Stay-At-Home Mom When I was a working mom, I longed to stay…

How To Survive The Busiest Seasons Of Motherhood With Grace

How To Survive The Busiest Seasons Of Motherhood With Grace

As I pulled in the driveway after my 40 minute rush-hour commute home from work, I could feel the weight of exhaustion descending upon me like a dense fog. I’d been up since 5am when I nursed my baby, drove my toddler to daycare, and pumped twice before 8am- when my “real job” started.  I saw patients all day in my busy Ear, Nose, and Throat practice and then, once the work day was done, returned home to start the dreaded evening shuffle.  You know the one- when you walk in the door and have exactly one hour to make dinner, convince your toddler to eat said dinner, and complete the nighttime routine down to the rounds of repeat tuck-ins and sips of water. (Insert…

8 Quick and Easy Self-Care Lifehacks

8 Quick and Easy Self-Care Lifehacks

“Ok, your turn!” I cheerily exclaim while wrestling my squirmy toddler to the ground for a diaper change first thing in the morning, her 8-month-old brother watching us with amusement as he happily chews on a dog toy… Needless to say, things only get more chaotic from there! Between chasing babies, toddlers, and puppies all day, I’ve learned that it takes some creativity to fit in self-care. And we’ve talked about self-care in the sense of taking time to do things that make you feel refreshed, even if only for a couple of minutes. But today I want to talk about some practical tips that you can use, especially when you are busy! Before I dive in, I want to reiterate that self-care can and…