How to Batch Create Content

How to Batch Create Content

How to Batch Create Content To Free Up Your Time As A Busy Mom Entrepreneur Creating content can be time-consuming, especially if you’re running a business and trying to balance motherhood at the same time. Batching content is a great way to save time as a busy mom entrepreneur, but it can be hard to get started if you’re not used to it. If you want to run your business while raising kids and not constantly feel like all the balls are falling around you, you’re going to have to change up the way you work. And trust me, as a recovering type A perfectionist myself, I know how hard that can be! I still dream of opening my laptop with a steaming hot cup of…

The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Biz Moms

The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Biz Moms

We’ve all been there—trying to finish “just one more thing” as your toddler is hanging off your leg begging for a snack RIGHT NOW before they melt into a pile of tantruming mush on the floor.  “I just need two more minutes!” Used to be the catch-phrase I found myself repeating any time I tried to do something for my business. But then, getting interrupted took at least 1.5 of those two minutes, and I lost focus, and had to try even harder to get whatever it was done that I started in the first place. This was my life for way too long, as I struggled trying to be an entrepreneur in the early days of motherhood. And just when I had a good…

How To Work From Home With A Toddler: 9 Ways To Keep Your Toddler Busy (Without Relying on Screens)

How To Work From Home With A Toddler: 9 Ways To Keep Your Toddler Busy (Without Relying on Screens)

You set your alarm to wake up before your toddler. You shut it off before it even makes a sound, quietly sneak out of bed, and make it to the kitchen. Still asleep… perfect.  You continue to sneak around, brewing your coffee, turning on your computer, and getting ready to work on your business before anyone else wakes up.  As you walk over to your desk with your steaming hot cup of coffee and a quiet house, your excitement is building. Can it be true? Are you really about to get in a solid hour of work before anyone wakes up? You shush the voice in the back of your head chiding you for speaking to soon, because, even though they’ve woken up early every…