The Busy Mom’s Guide to Mindfulness: Simple Strategies for a More Joyful Life

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Mindfulness: Simple Strategies for a More Joyful Life

When you’re in the trenches of motherhood, it can seem laughable to “find time” for yourself or focus on anything that doesn’t involve your kids. Trust me, I get it. I had three babies in four years, and my youngest is only 18 months right now. Add in a husband who is constantly gone with the military, and I am right there with you in those trenches. So I won’t sit here and tell you to find an hour a day to sit in silence or tell you that you need a spa day. Because while I’ll never say no to a good spa day, that’s just not happening at this phase in my life. But I have found that I can be a much…

Level-up Your Mindset: How to Stay Motivated as a Business Mom

Level-up Your Mindset: How to Stay Motivated as a Business Mom

Mom motivation such a common issue, especially when it comes to running a business while raising kids. Today, I’m sharing my story, and I also asked a group of online business owners to share their best tips on how to stay motivated as a business mom. Being a business mom is hard, with the constant balance of running your business, managing your household, and raising your kids. But let’s be clear—whether you’re a “working mom” who leaves the house for a traditional job every day or a “stay-at-home mom” who runs a business from home, or a “does it all mom” who does both, there is no motherhood journey that’s easy. And around here, we don’t do mom shaming as much as we don’t do…

10 Reasons Why Mindset is Everything for Mom Entrepreneurs

10 Reasons Why Mindset is Everything for Mom Entrepreneurs

We’ve all heard it: “Mindset is everything!” But honestly, what does that even mean?  Our brains are the most powerful tool we have when it comes to success. After all, they were literally programmed to make sure we could survive under the most difficult circumstances, like finding food and shelter and responding to threats. The brain’s whole job in the early days of the human race was to keep us alive and safe.  Although we don’t have to actively run from bears or forage for food anymore (unless you’ve been too busy to grocery shop lately like I have… oops!), our brains are still trying to help us avoid anything scary. And even though running a business from home while also caring for your kids…